We turn your idea into business

By taking the hassle and risk out of starting.


We focus primarily on B2B software
We select clients based on the authenticity of their vision and the strength of their commitment to it.
We use our experience to chart a course which speeds time to market
We validate the opportunity through hands-on research — We sell and iterate until we achieve product-market-fit
Once established, we hand back the keys to your new business, so you can grow it.
We remain a key advisor, invested in the business’ success


“The business we’ve built already fulfills its purpose more than I ever imagined possible.”

— Aaron F., TEC CLIENT

“Anish turned my idea into a fully running enterprise that will live on well past either of us.”


Honcho makes sure people don’t write dumb things at work

Started with a phone call. Today is venture-backed, has the world’s largest companies as customers, and is run by a professional CEO.

BackTable is the educational resource for surgical sub-specialists. The world’s largest device manufacturers advertise on the platform.

Started off as an app, ended up as a podcast, and is founder-led today.

Energy analytics on demand.

Venture backed, and growing like a weed today. TEC divested its position in 2020.

Meet our team

  • Anish Parikh

    Founder of 9 startups, Anish has made it his mission to make every mistake possible in starting a business, so that his clients can avoid them.

    Anish is an avid tennis player, and is learning to race SXS’s.

  • Ross Kasner

    Ross has coached executives and salespeople to meet quota and outperform. He was a top performer as a sales rep during his career, and is one of the fastest 50 year olds you’ll find on a mountain bike!

Get started with TEC today.